Saturday, March 5, 2011

Oh sleep, where art thou?

Whoever came up with the phrase "sleeping like a baby" clearly never had a baby. They are terrible sleepers. I have not had a good night's sleep in over a year. E was keeping me up before she was even born. From the second trimester of my pregnancy and on, I was getting up religiously twice a night to pee. After she was born it got worse. She was up every few hours around the clock. It gradually got better but she never did reach the point where she was sleeping through the night. I am currently getting up at least twice in the middle of the night and/or early morning to feed her. I pull out an arsenal of tricks to get her to settle down: swaddling, feeding, pacifier, sea horse, rainforest soothing sounds, white noise, rocking, singing, sushing, rubbing her belly, laying her in her crib and leaving her there alone. Sometimes nothing works, sometimes she goes down very easily. Maybe someday I will look back at this and laugh but right now I am just too damn exhausted.

She loves to cover her face with blankets or anything else she might find in the crib

Now that she is rolling over, there is more fun to have in the crib
Giving her a bottle and leaving her to her own devices doesn't work. I go back a few minutes later to check on her and she is soaked
Ah, nothing better than a sleeping baby

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